Sharing Jesus’ Hope with Refugees Workshop
What is the Sharing Jesus’ Hope with Refugees Workshop about?
Asylum seekers and refugees are people like you and me. Our Sharing Jesus’ Hope with Refugees Workshop aims to help you better understand them, their experience and the issues they face.
But isn’t life better for refugees now they live in a safe place like Sydney?
In many ways, yes! But, for aslyum seekers and refugees in Sydney, life can throw some complex challenges many of us have never considered. There is much to process for those who have had to flee from their homes due to persecution or war. They face many challenges as they grieve what they have left behind; learn new language, new culture, new systems; face marginalisation and stigmatisation.
What is the Sharing Jesus’ Hope with Refugees Workshop about?
Attending Sydney Refugee Team‘s Sharing Jesus’ Hope with Refugees Workshop helps you to think about and understand their experience and the issues they face. We will explore what the Bible says about how God sees refugees and how we respond to them. It will help you to think about ways that you can share the hope of Jesus with people who are seeking asylum and refuge.
Fri 14 Oct 2022 6.30pm-9.30pm
Blacktown Baptist Church
Cnr Sackville & Harold Streets,
Blacktown 2148
To book for the training:
Click on this link to book your place through the Humanitix platform.
This Sharing Jesus’ Hope with Refugees Workshop provides foundational training for all Sydney Refugee Team Volunteers.
All volunteers must complete an application at completion of training and must complete a National Police Check and provide a current NSW Working With Children Check number .
Volunteers who wish to wish to become Sydney Refugee Team Companions will need to complete a further Companion Training module and complete a more detailed application prior to having unsupervised visits to refugee families.
Sydney Refugee Team is a ministry of WEC Australia.
We are a Christian mission organisation committed to bringing the hope of Jesus to marginalised people and communities.